We help clients navigate the 14-steps of probate in Washington. Probate is the process of going to Court for “Letters Testamentary” or “Letters of Administration”.
These Letters, issued by Superior Court, name a person to access frozen bank accounts, sell a home or land held in the Estate, settle debts, and transfer property through inheritance.

Filing for Letters Testamentary
Helping Out-Of-State Clients with Estates in Washington
Sale Real Estate Held in an Estate
Court Filings Where there is No Will
Revocable Living Trust Administration
Small Estate Affidavit to Avoid Probate

Resolving your Estate
Alternatives to Probate. Not all Estates are required to go through probate. Our initial phone consultation helps determine the most efficient path to resolve the Estate.
Uncontested Estates. We focus our firm resources on Estates where families are cooperating to resolve the Estate. We do not take on contested estates where family members are suing the Trustee or Personal Representative.

Out-of-state probate
Serving out-of-state clients with Estates in Washington. We work with clients located out-of-state or outside of the U.S. It is possible to go through probate without having to appear in-person in a Court in Washington State.
Frozen Accounts. After a death certificate is issued, banks and financial institutions freeze accounts in the name of the deceased person if there is no other living signatory on the account. Accounts of more than $100,000 require you to go through Probate to obtain Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration. The Letters are required by the bank before information about existing accounts is released.